Öncü Hot Pepper Paste (700 gr 24.7oz)
Hot pepper paste, which is widely used in Turkish cuisine, adds a delicious aroma to the dish. Öncü ..
Sera Hot Pepper Paste (720 gr 25.4oz)
Hot pepper paste, which is widely used in Turkish cuisine, adds a delicious aroma to the dish. Sera ..
What Is
Paste/sauce is made by mashing tomatoes and red peppers. It
is prepared by boiling the juices of these vegetables, then boiled and mashed.
Especially, it is prepared for the consumption of vegetables that are very
tasty in the summer, in the winter. Generally, tomato paste is kept in the open
air to dry under the sun. It is also produced as canned and dried in a large
oven with the effect of heat. Paste is a must in Turkish cuisine.
It is a basic product variety to cook that is used in every meal. Consuming
tomato and pepper paste by diluting is also an alternative, thus, tomato juice
is obtained.
recipe, After adding olive
oil or optional butter to the pan, tomato paste is added. Then it is roasted
and optional garlic is added and water is added and boiled is started. After
boiling, turn down the heat and add spices. Thyme and chili pepper are among
the most preferred spice types. Finally, it is cooked for 5 more minutes and a
very delicious sauce is prepared to pour over the meals. It is taken on a serving
plate and eaten with pleasure.
Turkish salca, It is a highly preferred type
of tomato paste. It is consumed fondly in every region of the country. It is a
good alternative for those who want to enjoy the spice aroma in meals.Especially, it is more
preferred in the winter months. It is the main ingredient of most meals made. The peppers selected
should be fresh. Turkish salca is very useful. It helps to reduce
cholesterol because it contains vitamins E and C. It is an antioxidant.
Turkish hot pepper paste, It is done a lot, especially
in preparation for winter. It is prepared from succulent hot/spice peppers. Those who love pepper
paste hot can add a small amount of hot pepper into it. In
addition to sun drying, which is one of the most used methods, it is cooked in
the oven or in a large pot over low heat. After the excess water is drawn, the
peppers, which are boiled and dried beforehand, are taken into jars and stored
in a place out of the sun. It is a flavor that is consumed to give more flavor
to every meal by spreading it on bread at breakfast, snacks you want. To make 5
kilograms of red pepper paste, 500 grams of red pepper, 3 tablespoons of salt
are required.
All About Turkish Salça;
‘What is Turkish Salca?’, and ‘Where to Buy Biber
Turkish salça is a method of preserving a kind
of summer vegetables in winter. Vegetables that are more abundant and delicious
in summer can also be consumed in winter thanks to Turkish salça. Besides,
Turkish salca is a wonderful flavor that adds taste and consistency to many
dishes. Also, Turkish salca possesses a great place in many cuisines. In Turkish
cuisine, Turkish salca owns a great place and importance. The short definition
of Turkish salca can be called the essence of tomato and pepper. Since tomatoes
and peppers are thickened by various methods in Turkish salca production.
Although the methods used in making salca Turkish are various, salca Turkish
production also requires effort. The most common salca Turkish ingredients are
tomatoes and peppers. While the salca paste of these products can be made
separately, mixed salca paste can also be made. Salca paste culture started in
the past when people in villages made salca paste to use in winter. People in
the villages collect the last tomatoes of summer in August and crush them. Then
they boil the tomatoes which they crush in a wood fire. Moreover, they add salt
to the thick tomato puree and place this product under the sun. They remove
Turkish tomato paste cooked in the sun later and store it for consumption
during the winter months. In this way, a delicious product called village salca
paste emerges. Today, it is possible to make Turkish tomato paste with
different methods since there are many ways to make Turkish tomato paste.
Turkish tomato paste is a delicious sauce as
well as being the main ingredient of many dishes. No matter how difficult it
may seem to make Turkish tomato paste, it is possible to make the Turkish
tomato paste recipe easier with some methods. Although Turkish tomato paste was
cooked in the sun in the past, today it is possible to make delicious Turkish
tomato paste with the same flavor by using a stove or oven. For an easy Turkish
tomato paste recipe, the tomatoes are first peeled and chopped. Salt is added
to the tomatoes taken in a large pot and boiled until all the water evaporates.
Furthermore, the Turkish tomato paste boiling in the pot is then filtered
through a strainer or shredded using a shredder according to the Turkish tomato
paste recipe. To keep the ready Turkish tomato paste intact during winter
months, it is placed in hot jars and the lids are tightly closed. After all
these steps, the Turkish tomato paste is ready to be consumed.
After tomato paste, the most popular and
well-known flavor is Turkish pepper paste. Just like Turkish tomato paste,
Turkish pepper paste is not only used to add flavor to dishes. Since Turkish
pepper paste is a delicious product on its own. Furthermore, sauces can be
prepared with Turkish pepper paste. Either way, Turkish pepper paste is a very
tasty product. Just like Turkish tomato paste, pepper paste Turkish used to be
prepared in the sun. However, nowadays it is possible to prepare delicious
pepper paste Turkish using stove or oven. The Turkish red pepper paste recipe
is non-spicy and is prepared using large sweet red paprika peppers. Also, this
is called mild pepper paste. Besides, there are also spicy options for the
Turkish red pepper paste recipe. The Turkish red pepper paste recipe is quite
similar to the Turkish tomato paste recipe. For the Turkish red pepper paste
recipe, sweet red peppers are chopped and placed in a large pan. Here, salt and
water are added to the peppers. After the peppers are well boiled, they are
shredded with a mixer. Then, peppers are filtered using a strainer.
Furthermore, it is boiled a second time to thicken the Turkish red pepper
paste. The Turkish red pepper paste which is ready for consumption is put into
jars to be used in the winter months. When mild pepper paste is mixed with
Turkish tomato paste, it owns a wonderful taste. Moreover, the peppers to be
used in the mild pepper paste can be roasted for having a sooty taste. In every
way, Turkish red pepper paste gives a gorgeous taste and texture to the dishes.
Furthermore, Turkish pepper paste can be made Turkish hot pepper paste by
adding hot pepper. In making Turkish hot pepper paste, the same method is
followed as Turkish pepper paste. Differently, hot pepper is added to sweet
peppers according to the desired amount of bitterness. Also, using the seeds of
the chilli while making Turkish chilli paste gives an extra bitterness. Turkish
chilli paste and Turkish hot pepper paste can be used to add flavor to many
dishes. Apart from this, it is possible to use Turkish hot pepper paste and
Turkish chilli paste as a sauce. You can create delicious flavors by adding
Turkish hot pepper paste or Turkish chilli paste to pizza sauce, toast, and
Turkey loves both Turkish tomato
paste and Turkish pepper paste, furthermore; they use salca paste in almost all
dishes. When salca paste became such a popular product, many brands that expert
and produced delicious salca pastes emerged. The products of these brands are
Tatli biber chilli paste, Tukas hot pepper paste, Oncu red pepper paste, and
Burcu tomato paste. Tatli biber chilli paste, Tukas hot pepper paste, Oncu red
pepper paste, and Burcu tomato paste are also popular and consumed products in
Turkey. Moreover, Tatli biber chilli paste, Tukas hot pepper paste, Oncu red
pepper paste, and Burcu tomato paste are home-style pastes and add great flavor
to meals. One of the most frequently asked questions in the purchase of salca
paste is ‘Where to buy biber salcasi?’. Local Turkish markets and online
Turkish markets can be preferred to buy Turkish salca. Online Turkish markets
provide great convenience to find Turkish salca of the desired variety.
Consequently, you can choose online Turkish markets to add this delicious
flavor to your meals.